runner    State Cross Country Data Entry

Login is not possible at this time.

Username and Password is the same 4 digit code used for Meet Manager/Team Manager.
It is not case sensitive.
Once logged in, choose HS or PS and simply type the data into the fields.
Save as you go along (Jesus saves).

  • NB1. Date of Birth has been separated because of problems with Australian/USA dates.
  • NB2. You can always come back and enter/edit the data at a later date.
  • NB3. The cut-off date for data entry is 27 May 2024 @ 6pm

Please be advised: This is a private computing system. Use of this system is restricted to authorised users.
User activity is monitored and recorded by system personnel.
This software is licensed to CSSA. Copyright© 2011. All rights reserved.