Multi Class Athletes (Para)

Athletics NSW supports para athletes through classification days and competitions and other opportunities for those just starting out, Paralympians and everyone in between.



There are a large range of disability groups eligible to compete within the Australian Athletics system. These disability groups are separated into varying classifications to ensure fair competition. There are five (5) national bodies that conduct athlete classifications for Athletics.

Physicial ImpairmentAthletics Australia
Visual Impairment: Australian Paralympic Committee
Hearing Impairment: Deaf Sports Australia
Transplant Athlete: Transplant Australia
Intellectual Impairment: Sport Inclusion Australia



Who to Contact?



Who can get classified?

Athletes aged 8 years and above are encouraged to obtain a classification. 

If you have any questions regarding Para Athletes, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Types of Classification in Australia

There are a range of disability groups eligible to compete within the Australian athletics system as an athlete with a disability. These disability groups are separated into varying classifications to ensure fair competition. The classification groups are as follows:

  • T/F 01 Hearing impairment (Deaf Sport classes)
  • T/F 11-13 Visual impairment (Paralympic Classes)
  • T/F 20 Intellectual impairment (Paralympic Classes)
  • T/F 31-34 Athletes with hypertonia, ataxia or athetosis who compete sitting (Paralympic Classes)
  • T/F 35-38 Athletes with hypertonia, ataxia or athetosis who compete standing (Paralympic Classes)
  • Cerebral Palsy & Acquired Brain Injury (Paralympic Classes)
  • T/F 40-41 Athletes with Short Stature (Paralympic Classes)
  • T/F 42-46 & T47 Athletes with limb deficiency, muscle weakness or joint restrictions who compete standing (Paralympic Classes)
  • T 51-54 Wheelchair (Track Events) (Paralympic Classes)
  • F 51-57 Wheelchair (Field Events) (Paralympic Classes)
  • T/F 60 Transplant Recipients (Transplant Sport classes)


Implement Weights for Para Athletics




Multi Class Swimming

Multi Class (MC) swimming is a form of competition designed specifically for swimmers with disability. MC events are normal swimming events with some minor modifications to the rules and regulations.


In order to compete in MC events swimmers must have an eligible classification. MC events see swimmers with a range of disabilities, from multiple classifications competing in the same race. Swimmers race against the world record time in that event for their classification. The winner of the race is not always who touches the wall first, but the swimmer who posts a time closest to the world record for their classification. Swimmers may be granted certain exceptions to the normal swimming rules in order to compete fairly. This allows for meaningful competition for all swimmers.


Get Started

To let us know that you/your child is interested in getting involved in swimming please complete the Multi Class Swimming Engagement form. We will get back to you with more information specific to you.



Classification is used to place athletes of similar ability or function into groups for the purpose of competition. Classification in sport for people with disability considers an athlete's medical condition, physical attributes and functional ability to group them into classes. Classification is used in Australia nationally to ensure meaningful competition at all levels.

For more Classification information, including the below information, visit the Swimming Australia website:

  • Swimming Classification Factsheet - A summary of the Australian Swimming Classification System
  • New Provisional Classification Process Guide
  • New Provisional Classification Process Additional Information

Should you have any questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

