The Executive Officer, Linda Heslehurst is employed through the CSSA head office. Linda has an understanding of the ethos under which the CSSA operates and its aims and objectives. Her role is critical to the ongoing development and servicing of it's 78 member schools. CSSA activities are an extension of those provided within individual schools and a pathway for students to exercise their gifts and abilities.


Statement of Duties

1. The maintenance and development of intra and inter-school sport in Christian schools by assisting Conveners and School Sports Organisers in their programs and organisation of CSSA activities.

2. Liaison with member schools and their Principals with respect to CSSA activities and school sport, including the in servicing of staff on carnival preparation and operation.

3. Provide efficient communication to member schools through regular newsletters and also by the establishing and maintenance of a CSSA website and home-page, which will enable interested schools to access details regarding CSSA activities and handbook.

4. Review and update CSSA handbook which will clearly explain the philosophical position of the CSSA; define the code of conduct of the CSSA, and outline the governing rules and by-laws for each major carnival and sporting activity.

5. The annual preparation of a CSSA calendar to advise schools of relevant dates for the following year.

6. Preparation of an Annual General Report, through the collation of Conveners' reports; Carnival and Gala-day results photographs and stories, and financial statements.

7. Preparation of agendas for meetings, minutes of meetings, conveners folders, organisation of coaching and umpiring courses.

8. The processing of applications for membership, including visits to schools.

9. Any other duties which may ensure the enhancement and development of sport in Christian Schools.

10. Increase visibility within the community to encourage financial support to achieve its goals.